Coffee & Talk: A free conversation about contracting that will jump start your practice in 2020!
An Opportunity . . .
Professionals who subscribe to our email list have received notice of an opportunity for “Coffee & Talk” we will be starting in January. They are helping pick the optimal dates and times for these 60-90 minute, on-line, chats.
The goal? To help them shorten the learning curve to getting contracts. The talks help to motivate and energize professionals and provide advice that will reduce the effort it takes to get started with contracting and consulting.
Typical Results
For example, the feedback I got from my most recent talk with professionals in the Atlanta area yielded the following results:
"I felt motivated and more focused. I'm encouraged to get started."
"I need to rethink how to use the Services Chart to fine tune my products."
"I just sent a follow up email to a potential customer who took a survey for me."
Joining the Conversation
These specialized talks are only for professionals in the behavioral health sciences. Numbers will be limited, as needed, to insure the ability to actively participate in the Q&A session. Subscribers will have preference, of course, but others may attend if space allows.
Interested parties can get updates through joining our email list (receiving our free eBook Private Practice through Contracting) or through contacting us and indicating your interest in being invited to a Coffee & Talk event.
Our Free eBook.