Next month it may be Bread and Jam . . . can't take the heat.
Continuing our monthly "the single best article I have found" series "Bread and Jam." Now into our second quarter! The idea is to share one influential article that you can read while you make toast . . . and, of course, add a little Jam.
Here's my next installment. Enjoy!!
Please recognize that inclusion in the monthly Toast and Jam does NOT mean I agree with the author's opinions! In fact, sometimes it is quite the opposite! I plan to include cogent articles that challenge the current thinking and that, I hope, will get you asking "better questions" yourself.
Organizations and Business:
The Family Farm: Avoiding Five Common Estate Planning Mistakes
If You Can't Say What Your Meeting Will Accomplish, You Shouldn't Have It!
7 Self-Defeating Psychological Habits that Stymie Success
50 People share their One Sentence Inspirations for Success.
The Creative Pastor has an interesting article on 7 Innovative Ideas for the 21st Century Church.
Barna Group's new study on American Morals.
And the Jam: Fun and Curious:
Video: The best way to wrap cheese. Why? Just because you need to know!
Infographic: How Americans spend each hour of their day.
Questions? Contact us.